Mitos – Myth

Inversion of Values

MITOS is a mythological game: the inversion of values. The labyrinth, the diversion of habitual behaviors, the attempt to find meaning in the unknown.
The place of the shooting is very significant. Its name is BABILONIA, a Brazilian farm built in the 19th century. It used to have 200 slaves living and working on location.

Written, choreographed and directed by Cristina Perera
Dancers: Alex Adas, Julia Gunesh
Director of photography: Cleber Macedo / Camera assistent: Everton Soares
Editing: Tadeu Ribeiro, Georgia Carrera / Executive producer: Vera Lucena
Music: Sven Helbig
Special thanks: Fazenda Babilonia, Telma Lopes Machado, Toninho da Babilonia, Coepi 

Reflection on an Ubiquitous Myth

The HORNED BROOCHES are a reflection on an ubiquitous myth about bulls. Its European origin in Greek mythology is the Minotauros of Crete, and the abduction of Europa by a bull. 
The appreciation of cattle is also omnipresent in African cultures until today. The cattle culture of the Toposa people in South Sudan is expressed in their dances and rituals, which Martina Dempf observed during her ethnological studies.

Concept, design and production by Martina M. Dempf

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